- loan on call
- кредит до запитання; онкольний кредит
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
call-loan — callˈ loan or callˈ money noun (finance) A loan or money called in for repayment or payable when demanded • • • Main Entry: ↑call … Useful english dictionary
call-money — callˈ loan or callˈ money noun (finance) A loan or money called in for repayment or payable when demanded • • • Main Entry: ↑call … Useful english dictionary
loan — money lent at interest.A lender makes a loan with the idea that it will be paid back as agreed and that interest will be paid for the use of the money. Glossary of Business Terms Temporary borrowing of a sum of money. If you borrow $1 million you … Financial and business terms
call in — verb 1. summon to enter (Freq. 2) The nurse called in the next patient • Hypernyms: ↑invite, ↑ask in • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. summon to a particular activity or employment … Useful english dictionary
call loan — A loan repayable on demand. Sometimes used as a synonym for broker loan or broker overnight loan. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * call loan call loan ➔ loan1 * * * call loan UK US noun [C] (also demand loan) ► FINANCE a loan that must be… … Financial and business terms
Call Loan — A loan provided to a brokerage firm and used to finance margin accounts. The interest rate on a call loan is calculated daily. The resulting interest rate is referred to as the call loan rate. Call loans use securities as collateral for the loan … Investment dictionary
Loan — For other uses, see Loan (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Loan modification in the United States — Loan modification, the systematic alteration of contactual mortgage loan agreements, has been practiced in the United States since the 1930s. During the Great Depression loan modification programs took place at the state level in an effort to… … Wikipedia
call loan — ☆ call loan n. 1. a loan that must be repaid on demand 2. a loan to a broker that is secured by shares of stock purchased with the borrowed money and which may be called if the shares decline in value: also call money … English World dictionary
call — 1 vt 1: to announce or recite loudly call ed the civil trial list 2: to admit (a person) as a barrister was call ed to the bar 3: to demand payment of esp. by formal notice call … Law dictionary
call — [kôl] vt. [ME callen < Late OE ceallian & or < ON kalla < IE base * gal , to scream, shriek > Brythonic galw, call, Ger klage & (?) MIr gall, swan] 1. to say or read in a loud tone; shout; announce [to call the names of stations] 2.… … English World dictionary